HM King Dr. Fozao Adolf Afou
On the 12th of July 2004, Fon Fozao Nzota passed away after a protracted illness. This illness tormented him so much that he probably refused to eat during his last days. On November 20th 2004, he was succeeded by his son, Dr. Fozao Afou, a medical doctor serving then in the Ndu District hospital, Donga Mantung Division. After spending two months to undergo all the enthronement rites, he was officially presented to the public by the SDO of Lebialem on 18th January, 2005. His cabinet was made up of Mefor Claudine Fozao, Nkwete Ebenezer Fozi Fozao, Asaah Fozao Columbus, Foundem Celestine Tangmoh Fozao, Fozap Maricol Fozao, Nkem George N. Fozao, Nkemzenong Tepang David (of late), Nkem Njongwuo Odette, Nkem Ntwokem Felisha Njofie (of late), Mofor Denis Fozao, Nkemtekonang Martin Shumbang and others.
During his first public appearance in January 2005, he upgraded Asaah Fozao Columbus to Fosahngong and named Nkem Fozao Aaron, Nkemetsa John Hans, Nkem Tendiefi Peter, Nkem Sobngwi James, Nkemesoboh Bridget and Esuofor Grace Tezeh.
Among the Bekems of the family were Nkemtekonang Martin, Nkem Mbah Menang James and others.
Within thirteen years of the reign of Fon Fozao Afou, a lot has been achieved in the village, notably the construction of a hall with rooms and sitting space in the palace, thanks to members of the Atsosoh Family, MUDECA and other well wishers. Of recent, MUDECA engaged in the bulldozing of a foundation for a MUDECA hall, construction of sitting stands (Grand Stand) in the palace square and bought chairs and tents for its occasions etc. He has also challenged and caused many parents to send their children to school. A secondary school (GBSS Mbelenka) was opened and started in the village and more roads opened up and made more passable through the use of laterite (thanks to MUDECA). The government also graded the road from the old shiambei (mbei market) through Awut to Mbelenka and then Mbelenka to Molah palace with the construction of prominent bridges over nchi leklek and nchi mbubetou. Electricity supply has been extended to the village. As a result of his efforts, an integrated health centre was opened in the village and later transformed into a Sub Divisional hospital.
HM King Dr. Fozao A.A. have encountered the following challenges during his reign:
The abusive use of water for irrigation and water catchment areas for cultivation. Even though this is generating a lot of income for individuals and the Kingdom as a whole, it threatens the very existence of the people because the springs and streams are drying up and portable water is becoming very scarce. Secondly, there is the old story of local post mortem to establish the cause of death. This has always torn families and old friends apart and led to the spread of illneses.