Just after the creation of humankind, man rebelled against God (Genesis 3:1-8) and could not please Him anymore. Throughout the Old Testament (OT), God in his infinite love and mercy for mankind sent Prophets to deliver his plan of the coming of a Savior (Christ, in other word the Messiah) who shall reconcile mankind to him again.

God then fulfilled his plan of salvation for mankind by sending His only begotten son (Jesus Christ) to be that Savior who by shedding his blood  on the cross  reconciled man to God (John 3:16) as written in the New Testament (NT).

As Jesus was ending his earthly Ministry, he gave his disciples the assignment to take his message (the Gospel or Good News ) all over the world (Mark 16:15). M’muock tribe wasn’t excluded. Thanks be to God, the message of the Good News finally arrived in the M’muock tribe in 1940s through European missionaries. God then raised many sons and daughters of M’muock into the reconciliation Ministry of Jesus.

However, all was not a bed of roses in M’muock as some soldiers of the Gospel received untold persecutions. The persecution did not end at the level of unbelievers as some believers also hated each other. All these challenges have been a stumbling block to Christianity in the M’muock land.

It was therefore very necessary for M’muock believers to UNITE in order to Christianize the M’muock land. Many pioneer ministers of the Gospel in the M’muock land had this vision among which was Pastor Jean Tendongho of blessed memory. In order to achieve this, the Royal Family of Fozao created a Royal Believers Family (RBF). Subsequently, RBF was expanded to become “M’muock Believers Forum (MBF)” including M’muock (Fosimondi), M’muock Fosimombin, M’muock Leleng and M’muock Leteh and  Evangelist Fozao Felix created a facebook page for the  group called “M’muock Believers Forum (MBF)”. Still in the same light to bring M’muock believers together, Mission for Christ International Ministry of Pastor Eva accepted to host MBF and  collaborated in organizing All Night Prayer Meeting under the leadership of Pastor Eva and the coordination of Mr Kelvin Fozao every third Friday monthly. In 2015,  “A PEACE CRUSADE” was planned by Mission for Christ International Ministry of Pastor Eva supported by MBF to take place in Mbelenka to pray for the land and people of M’muock, and to bring peace following an unfriendly atmosphere that has existed in the land between Christians and traditional authorities. The crusade was aborted and tension kept rising between M’muock people in social media and public gathering. Mr Njofie Wilson and Mr Tianguam Rosetang initiated the idea of creating a whatsapp group for “M’muock Believers Forum” so that this could permit M’muock Christians to unite themselves and seek peaceful resolution of the problem without letting it escalate. Mr Njofie Wilson created the group on the 15-03-2016. Mr Marcel Forlemu joined the group and did the ground work of evangelizing and bringing in members into MBF.  It is worth noting that all these was done with the guidance and instructions from the Holy Spirit.

The first ever MBF online crusade took place on the 12/08/2016 with late Pastor Jean Tendongho as the main preacher. Many souls were won during this historic online crusade. Glory to God!

On the 01/08/2016,  MBF members resolved to  create a non-denominational Christian association known as, M’muock Believers Association, abbreviated as MBA. 

On the 01/10/2016, the Constitutive General Assembly (CGA) was held online under the chairmanship of Maitre Zemenjuoh Etienne and chairladyship of Ma Nkeangnyi Helen. The drafted constitution by Mr Amos Shungmo through the assistance of Maitre Etienne Zemenjuoh and the coordinators was adopted by the members. During the CGA meeting also, the first leadership was voted as follows:


1) Mrs. Zemenjuoh Francisca (President)- Kumba

2) Mr. Tendonge Celestine (Vice President) -Kumba

3) Mr. Njofie Wilson (Secretary General) -Bamenda

4) Mr. Tianguam Rosetang (Vice Secretary General)-Buea

5) Miss. Njongwo Vanessa (Financial Secretary)-Buea

6) Mr. Forlemu Marcel (Treasurer)-Buea

7) Mrs. Tendonge Linda (Member)-Yaounde

8) Evangelist Fozao Felix (Member)-USA

9) Mrs. Ntepah Joan Nyuyki (Member) -USA

10) Mr. Molong Roger (Member)-USA


1) Pastor Jean Tendongho (USA)

2) Pastor Molong Dickson (Yaounde)

3) Mrs. Nkeangnyi Helen (Kumba)

4) Bailiff (Maitre) Zemenjuoh Etienne (Kumba)

5) Mr. Nkeangnyi Richard (Kumba)

Since the start, MBA has been able to bring hundreds of M’muock believers from different villages and denominations together, enlightened its members on issues concerning Christianity, preached the gospel in its original form, prayed for nations, M’muock tribe and its people, MBA and its members etc, with great successes, achievements and answers from God. MBA has also counseled and clarified doubts of its members with great successes, glory be to God.

MBA has as a vision to Christianize the whole M’muock tribe and bring every M’muock believer under one umbrella (Jesus), God being her helper.

MBA is also looking forward to the creation of website, email address, production of magazines, songs, charitable missions, etc.

All these have not been without challenges as some members leave the forum with unknown reasons, the geographical barrier between its members, inability to identify some MBA members but thanks be to God that we are moving higher.

MBA expresses thanks to all those who have spearheaded the creation and running of the activities of the association . MBA also expresses thanks to all it’s members for their commitment to the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ.

All members of MBA are called upon to be committed towards the realization of the mission, vision and the projects of MBA and above all, live responsible and exemplary lives, God being our helper.

God bless you all as you continue to live victorious lives. In Jesus mighty name. Amen

Drafted by Mr Njofie Wilson and edited by Mr Tianguam Rosetang (2016).